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🚀 Save the Date!

Join us for the upcoming on 04/04/2025 at 10 AM, where we’ll dive into Creative Commons Licenses & FAIR Data!
Till Kreutzer from iRights.Law will explore how Creative Commons licenses and public domain tools empower legal reusability. Topics include content protectability, license layers (human-readable & legal), and much more. Plus, there will be a live Q&A session!

🔗 events.hifis.net/event/2180

🚀 Save the Date!

Join us for the second of 2025 on 21/03/2025 at 10 AM!
In this session, Annegret Grimm-Seyfarth from @ufz will provide an in-depth overview of the results from the ADVANCE. She’ll also walk you through how to access, reuse, and complete the new metadata form.
This is your chance to get a quick, yet thorough, guide to using the form and discover how it can help enhance your research!

🔗 events.hifis.net/event/2179