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Ancient marine organism's dual-layer structure reveals both past and present ocean environments phys.org/news/2025-02-ancient-

A cosmopolitan calcifying benthic #foraminifera in agglutinated disguise as a geochemical recorder of coastal environments pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2413

"This species has a remarkable hidden feature—an inner shell made of calcium carbonate beneath its outer layer of gathered particles... [this] made them an excellent recorder of environmental conditions."

Mapping #Antarctica's hidden ice-free lands: A blueprint for conservation phys.org/news/2025-01-antarcti paper: nature.com/articles/s41597-025

"The ice-free lands are home to uniquely adapted flora including micro-forests of #lichens, #moss, and two flowering plants, Antarctic hairgrass and pearlwort. They also sustain a variety of #mites, #springtails, #tardigrades, #nematodes, #algae, and #microbes. #Seabirds have established breeding colonies in these areas too."

Tiny microbe colonies communicate to coordinate their behavior uib.no/en/michaelsarscentre/17

Electrical signaling and coordinated behavior in the closest relative of animals science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv

"A new study reveals evidence of electrical signaling and coordinated behavior in #choanoflagellates, the closest living relatives of #animals. This elaborate example of cell communication offers key insights into the early #evolution of animal #multicellularity and nervous systems."

Research reveals even single-cell organisms exhibit habituation, a simple form of learning phys.org/news/2024-11-reveals-

Biochemically plausible models of habituation for single-cell learning: Lina Eckert et al. cell.com/current-biology/fullt

"Earlier work found that a single-cell ciliate showed avoidance behavior, not unlike the actions observed in animals that encounter unpleasant stimuli."

The mystery of the secretly sexual lichens phys.org/news/2024-11-mystery-

Rethinking asexuality: the enigmatic case of functional sexual genes in #Lepraria. By Meredith Doellman bmcgenomics.biomedcentral.com/

"#lichen called Lepraria, long assumed to be asexual, still has the genes that govern sexual reproduction. These #lichens contrary to what scientists have thought for decades, may have secret sex lives that no one has been able to observe."

New Method Reveals Hidden Activity of Life Below Ground dri.edu/new-method-reveals-hid

Species-resolved, single-cell respiration rates reveal dominance of sulfate reduction in a deep continental subsurface ecosystem: Melody Lindsay et al. pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2309

"deep wells in the #DeathValley regional flow system provide windows into #subsurface environments... one of them contains several key #microorganisms that are only found in the deepest South African #GoldMines"

Microscopic marine organisms can create parachute-like #mucus structures that stall CO₂ absorption from atmosphere phys.org/news/2024-10-microsco

Hidden comet tails of #MarineSnow impede ocean-based #carbon sequestration science.org/doi/10.1126/scienc

"marine snow sometimes creates parachute-like mucus structures that effectively double the time the organisms linger in the upper 100 meters of the ocean. This prolonged suspension increases the likelihood of other #microbes breaking down the organic carbon"

#Microbes used poison gas in battle for iron in the Earth's early oceans phys.org/news/2024-10-microbes

Inhibition of phototrophic iron oxidation by nitric oxide in ferruginous environments: Verena Nikeleit et al. nature.com/articles/s41561-024

"A new study investigates how various #bacteria excrete insoluble iron as part of their metabolic processes. Some—the phototrophic iron oxidizers—gain energy by oxidizing Fe with the help of sunlight, and others by reacting Fe with nitrate as an oxidizing agent."

Hijacking the command center of the cell: Nuclear #parasites in deep-sea mussels phys.org/news/2024-09-hijackin #bacteria #microbes #animals

An intranuclear bacterial parasite of #DeepSea mussels expresses apoptosis inhibitors acquired from its host nature.com/articles/s41564-024

"A single bacterial cell penetrates into the #mussels' nucleus and then reproduces to over 80,000 cells, causing the nucleus to swell to 50 times its original size."

🦠 Interested in #nextflow & anything 'meta-' ?(#metagenomics, #metabarcoding, #metatranscriptomics, #metaproteomics, #microbes #MicrobialEcology & more!)

📆 Join us next Tuesday 13:00 CEST (3rd September) for an nf-core #bytesize for the #metaomics #nfcore special interest group! (Also on YouTube after!)

🤝 We will introduce how we want the community to work together with #users and #bioinformatics developers to make the best pipelines for anything 'meta-'

ℹ️ Zoom: nf-co.re/events/2024/bytesize_

nf-co.reBytesize: Special Interest Group meta-omicsDaniel Lundin (Linnaeus University / Stockholm University), James Fellows Yates (HKI Jena / MPI-EVA Leipzig) and Carson J. Miller (University of Washington)

#Trees reveal #climate surprise: #Microbes living in bark remove #methane from the atmosphere phys.org/news/2024-07-trees-re

Global atmospheric methane uptake by upland #tree woody surfaces nature.com/articles/s41586-024

"microbes living in bark or in the wood itself are removing atmospheric methane on a scale equal to or above that of soil. They calculate that this newly discovered process makes trees 10% more beneficial for climate overall than previously thought."

Thinking like diatoms microscopesandmonsters.wordpre #microbes #protists #algae

"the position of the raphes on the curved edge of #diatoms such as Cymatopleura inevitably means that they cannot move in straight lines. We spend our life attuned to a world where #animals tend to move in straight lines... we have to remember that Cymatopleura inhabits disordered 3D worlds where any adjustment that aids resource acquisition may be considered advantageous... we need to think like diatoms."